68.2 F
Thousand Oaks

Doug Nickles

Land use and fire protection planning consultant, director/board member, Conejo Recreation and Park District, dougnickles.com

As an incumbent with proven leadership experience on the Conejo Recreation and Park District (CRPD) and Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA) boards, I am well qualified to continue serving the community in this role. I have been fortunate to serve the Conejo Valley as a director since December 2018. In addition, I was elected by my peers to serve as a board member for the California Association of Recreation and Park Districts; I am currently the president-elect.

Over the last few years, the CRPD has been able to meet the needs of our community in a myriad of ways. This has been possible in part due to stable and responsible leadership. I would consider it an honor to continue serving the community for an additional four years as a CRPD Director.

[What are the most pressing issues?]

            •           Balancing the expressed needs and desires of the community with the resources that are available is perhaps the most pressing issue facing the board of directors. Demonstrating community awareness and understanding is vital, and fiscal responsibility is paramount to sustain a vibrant organization.

            •           Providing safe, clean parks and recreation facilities. With routine maintenance and refurbishment, our parks and facilities will continue to serve our community well. Maintaining a partnership with the City of Thousand Oaks to address the homeless issue is also essential.

            •           Delivering high-quality and affordable programs for all ages and abilities. Giving direction and encouraging new ideas must be an ongoing practice for the board and executive team.

            •           Preserving open space and trails. Our community’s natural resources must be well managed and protected vigilantly from development and overuse. Maintaining an effective fire prevention program will provide resiliency along the wildland-urban interface.

It is my desire for the CRPD Board to address community engagement at a higher level. While local outreach is conducted for specific projects, I think we can do a better job of connecting with residents on a broader scale.

As a CRPD Board member, my leadership has contributed to the following accomplishments:

            •           Renovating the Teen and Goebel Adult Community Centers, the Waverly Dog Park, and multiple playgrounds

            •           Developing the Paige Lane Neighborhood Park

            •           Establishing a Healing Garden at Conejo Creek North Park

            •           Securing ownership of the Rancho Potrero Community Equestrian Center (land exchange with the City of Thousand Oaks)

            •           Negotiating settlements with Southern California Edison (SCE) for the Woolsey Fire damages totaling over $13 million; both CRPD and COSCA

            •           Implementing a community-wide wildfire safety program

            •           Keeping parks open during the public health order restrictions

            •           Reducing water use by over 30 percent

            •           Maintaining a fiscally responsible budget for four years

Much of my professional career was spent working for the City of Glendale Fire Prevention Bureau. As the assistant fire marshal, my responsibilities included overseeing the fire and life safety inspections, as well as the vegetation management and open space protection programs. This experience has been extremely valuable since both CRPD and COSCA have implemented restoration projects following the Woolsey Fire, along with community wildfire safety programs and park facility and open space wildfire exposure assessments.

When on staff as the open space planner for the City of Thousand Oaks/COSCA, my interest in preserving our local open space resources and trails became a passion. While I was impressed with the abundant hillsides and open space upon moving to the Conejo Valley, being able to actively participate in the preservation, protection and management of our open space and trail system has been very rewarding.

I was a member of the City of Thousand Oaks Planning Commission for six years, including two terms as the chair. Other community activities include the Conejo Valley Days Committee, Conejo Future Foundation Environmental Task Force, and site councils for Colina Middle School, Thousand Oaks High School and Westlake High School.

I have lived in the community for almost 40 years and have participated in numerous organized and recreational activities with my family. Along with my professional training and experience, I believe I have demonstrated a unique perspective on the issues facing the District and its residents.


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