There was a special meeting on November 9 to discuss “Board Self-Evaluation Results,” a survey report facilitated through the California School Boards Association. The results can be viewed at
The following summary is from regular board meetings on Wednesday, November 1 and 15.
● Existing Litigation, Case OAH 2023070414
● Property Negotiations with MATES Charter School and BRIDGES Charter School.
11/1 Susan Jacobs donated time to Julie Jacobs, who stated why she felt the board should make a statement regarding Hamas’ attack on Israel. CVUSD has made public statements supporting BLM and Asian communities; why not the Jewish community? The road to Auschwitz was paved with indifference. No statement means the board is indifferent.
● Gill responded by saying “Talking through difficult issues doesn’t extend to foreign affairs. We don’t affect foreign policy.”
11/15 Four students from the Westminster Free Clinic Salud program addressed the board:
● Eric Perez, Westlake High senior, recommends support centers to address drug abuse and social-emotional learning curricula implemented at elementary schools.
● Casey Ojeda requested teaching elementary students how to be socially, emotionally and mentally aware.
● David Ortiz requested more access to wellness centers and empathy training for teachers.
● Lupita Azevedo, Westlake High senior, requested a ten-minute break during class for students to learn to deal with emotions and stress.
11/15 Betsy Patterson, Ventura County chapter of League of Women Voters, shared feedback on the presentation to register students to vote; 692 students registered.
11/15 Kevin Doohan, Carden reduced asks on the lease from 10 to 2, and yet McLaughlin emailed today that the lease is non-negotiable. Please reconsider your position.
11/15 Dennis Wang, Carden parent and board member. Five advantages to leasing with Carden versus charter schools – rent payments are double what charters pay; lump sum payments; security deposit paid up front; maintenance costs borne by Carden $150,000; and monthly reporting.
11/15 Leslie Nelson, MATES parent, requests permission for MATES to install a modular building for the TK program.
11/15 Kent Sowell, MATES parent, requests the board approve the TK program at MATES.
Inclusive Schools Week, December 4-8, 2023.
● Public comment: Katrina Maldonado with the Autism Society of Ventura County advocacy committee supports Inclusive Week.
$13,802,810 Certificated Staff
$6,071,002 Classified Staff
● Collective Bargaining Agreement reached with the Unified Association of Conejo Teachers (UACT), and salary increase for Classified Non-Represented (Confidential Employees and Campus Safety Assistants), Adult Education Teachers, Substitute Teachers, and Certificated/Classified Management/Supervisory. See the images at right for details.
● The board approved a letter Gill drafted to the Thousand Oaks City Council addressing the crossing guard program. It opens, “We write to ask you to protect students’ and families’ right to freely and safely walk and roll to CVUSD elementary and middle schools by consistently staffing crossing guards without threat of cancellation while we collaborate to promote walking and rolling to school.”
● Facilities Use Improvement, Storage, and Maintenance agreements approved with Westlake Baseball Association and Thousand Oaks Little League.
● Apple Direct Customer Piggyback Agreement approved between Downey Unified School District and Apple Inc. as a direct replacement to CVUSD’s expired agreement.
● 1,000 Chromebooks, ThinkPads, desktops and other obsolete and surplus devices are to be sold by district.
● Annual and Five-Year Report of Developer Fees were approved.
● Leanne Holland, DAC chairwoman. Top three priorities – 1) achievement and overall success for all students, 2) support student social-emotional learning and mental health, and 3) engagement and communication with DAC members, students and school community.
● $29,595,720 series E bonds were approved for issuance.
● $90,990 donations were received during October.
● $86,067 Granicus 3-year contract for live closed captioning and human transcription services during School Board meetings.
● $8,340 Granicus live streaming services for board meetings during the 2023-2024 school year.
● $3,938 San Joaquin County Office of Education/CodeStack contract for EDJOIN management, the job posting and applicant tracking system.
● School Psychology Fieldwork 5-year agreement with California State University Northridge.
● School Social Work 3-year agreement with the University of Southern California.
● Intern agreement (3 years) between the Conejo Valley Unified School District and the United States University’s Teacher Credentialing Program.
$971,955 Pacific One Source d/b/a STS Education for district-wide security cameras.
$870,395 Bond Measure I projects completed from June to September 2023.
$521,962 CalSHAPE grant funds approved for district-wide assessment, maintenance, and repair of ventilation systems, installation of carbon dioxide monitors, and replacement of noncompliant plumbing fixtures and appliances this winter.
$455,000 Cortica Behavioral Health, Inc., for special education-related service positions.
$440,895 ArdalanConstruction Co. Inc., contract increased by $97,262 in Westlake Elementary pavilion project re-route irrigation lines along the new sidewalk.
$397,155 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math instructional materials for grades TK-5.
$385,000 Scott and Sons Electric, new fire alarm at Aspen Elementary.
$296,602 Scott and Sons Electric, new fire alarm at Cypress Elementary.
$280,000 Kern County Superintendent of Schools 5-year contract for Medi-Cal
Administrative Activities Program.
$170,000 The Genesis Group, Inc., for special education-related service positions.
$133,000 Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services, Inc., for special education-related service positions.
$60,000 Riverside Insights 3-year software/licenses to screen students using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) eligibility.
$29,481 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt French language instructional materials.
$14,999 D. Lewis Co., ad hoc maintenance agreement.
$14,850 Dynamic Education Services, Inc., additional contract amount for tutoring and counseling.
$14,000 Disciplina Positiva, Inc., for two in-person and one hybrid virtual, positive parenting workshops in Spanish.
$10,725 Anatomage software for health science at TOHS.
$8,000 APA Speech Therapy, Inc., services for special education students.
$4,287 Texthelp, Inc., literacy support software.
Worker’s Compensation Settlements:
Claim # Cost Comments
1793800016 $17,201 QME Payment
2093800017 $30,000 Compromise & Release
Special Education Residential Treatment Center Placement:
Contract # Cost
4-23/24 $253,818
14-23/24 $197,123
$4,321,954 Purchase Orders over $5,000 approved during October.
$3,873 In-N-Out Burger for Principal’s Challenge at Sequoia.
$3,000 Nick Scott, Wheelchair Bodybuilding Inc., keynote speaker at Sequoia
$2,175 Codio, Inc., learning platform for WHS.
$1,575 Life Rolls On Foundation, assembly speaker at Aspen
$1,395 Island Packers overwater field trip for NPHS
$1,000 Laser Toner & Computer Supply Inc. at Sequoia
$605 ACCO Brands USA LLC, laminator maintenance for Ladera.
$528 Magic Jump Rentals Ventura LLC, inflatable obstacle course at Weathersfield
$506 Magic Jump Rentals for carnival games at Colina
$300 John Garcia d/b/a Gamez On Wheelz, two hours of video game truck at Sycamore.
- Personnel Reduction 4117.3, rder of layoff language (by seniority) per Education Codes 44844 and 44955 and the first offer of substitute service language.
- Policy 1330 cautions districts when charging religious groups direct costs for the use of district facilities when those costs are not charged to other groups due to the potential conflict between a U.S. Supreme Court decision and state law.
- Admin Reg 1330 creates a facilities use application and agreement for the use of school facilities and grounds by any entity other than the district, including use by local law enforcement, public agencies, nonprofit associations, or organizations for bicycle, scooter, electric bicycle, motorized bicycle, or motorized scooter safety instruction for district students.
- Admin Reg 3311 references bid limit for 2023, adds that for lease-leaseback, design-build, and alternative design-build projects, the notice which solicits the call for bids is required to specify that the project is subject to skilled and trained workforce requirements, and reflects new law.
- Admin Reg 3311.3 adds that, until January 1, 2025, design-build contracts may be entered into and approved by the Governing Board.
- Policy 3312 conflict of interest from campaign contributions related to bribery of a public official, and include a general statement requiring Governing Board members and district employees who are involved in the making of contracts on behalf of the district to comply with the district’s conflict of interest policy.
- Policy 3551 requires districts participating in the National School Lunch and/or Breakfast Program, with annual reimbursement of $1,000,000 or more, to prioritize domestic, California ag food products or demonstrate interior quality or price when requesting exemption.
- Admin Reg 3551 recover the maximum amount of edible food that would otherwise be disposed of and donate it to a local food recovery organization.
- Policy 9321 Board meeting must contain a general description of each item to be discussed in closed session, and reconvene in open session following the closed session to report on its actions, either orally or in writing.
- Bylaw 9324 excludes a student or parent/guardian’s personal information from the minutes.
- Admin Reg 4030 prohibits discrimination against employees or job applicants on the basis of reproduction, prohibits inquiry into any employee’s immigration status.
- Admin Reg 6174 reflects Calif. Dept. of Education’s English Learner Roadmap: Strengthening Comprehensive Educational Policies, Programs and Practices for English Learners,” (Roadmap) available on its website. Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Bylaws amended to include student representative position and clarify their duties.
The Conejo Valley Pupil Personnel Assn (CVPPA) has proposed the following Articles for negotiations for the 2023-24 school year:
Article 7 – Employee Benefits Additional to Salary
- Employee benefits should be enhanced in order to attract and retain employees.
Article 20 – Transfer and Changes in Site Placement - Current bargaining unit members should have preference for vacancies, transfers and changes in site placement.
Article 21 – Salary - Salary should be competitive with surrounding districts in order to attract and retain employees
Middle School Professional Development – CAPS Training (January 17, 2024)
International Baccalaureate TK-12 (January 17, 2024)
Secondary Grading Policy (March 6, 2024)
CVUSD Adult Education Program (February 2024)
Core Literature Updates (TBD)
Ethnic Studies Update (TBF)