50.4 F
Thousand Oaks

Adverse reaction stories

I read with great sadness the stories of the Crista and Gordon and their debilitating life changing adverse vaccine reactions.
I’ve been following these type of stories on line and find it so unethical and callous that they have so little help from the FDA and CDC and NIH, not to ment that just dismisses them as acceptable casualties.
How is it possible that until this vaccine, any drug or vaccine that had much smaller numbers of adverse reactions and deaths would be immediately pulled from the market?
It is very obvious that something is very wrong with the way our government agencies are accomplices in a medical travesty and they are protected by our own main stream media sources.
I was noticing in my research that many people who experience the adverse reactions have claimed an unusual metallic taste in their mouth within 30 seconds of their injection. This is though to be caused by a intra-vascular (vein or artery) direct injection. It has been suggested that an injection technique called asperation must be used to check if the needle is in an artery or vein before completeing the injection.
But as far as diagnosis treatment available for these seriously ill patients, I wonder if they have sought out the help of the research groups that specialize in covid long haul patients? I was under the impression that these medical research groups are helping many long haul covid and adverse reaction patients by analyzing varies tests that narrow down the type of inflammatory issues and recommended prescriptions to treat the symptoms. They are a few and they don’t do examinations, but should be used by caring doctors that reach out for very complex research help.


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