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Local School Leaders Disgraced Nationally as Videos Go Viral

The Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD), once a jewel in the crown of California public education, has become a source of ridicule nationwide under the present, strongly left-leaning school board. In four years, the board has pressed an agenda to sexualize children in all of the district’s K-12 classrooms.

Videos from recent school board meetings have garnered millions of views, showing outrageous statements made by CVUSD superintendent Mark McLaughlin and powerful responses by parents and relatives of children in the district.

In the most recent viral video, superintendent McLaughlin commented regarding a student who touched himself sexually in a seventh-grade classroom, “‘I don’t think that this is anything outside the norm.” The video has been viewed more than 408,000 times on Twitter alone and was gaining steam at press time, having just been re-shared by Libs of TikTok.

Popular conservative media outlet The Daily Wire wrote about the incident on Oct. 13: “A California superintendent defended a 7th-grade boy allegedly caught masturbating in front of his classmates, insisting to shocked parents that it was normal,” the news outlet said.

“The superintendent, Mark McLaughlin of the Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD), admonished parents for bringing up the issue during a school board meeting last month. McLaughlin disclosed that similar offenses occur at least once a year in their district, which he said normalized the incident.

“’I don’t think any of you would want us up here chatting about an issue that took place with your child,’ said McLaughlin. ‘I would say that, at least once a year, this comes up from both males and females within a school setting. And so, I don’t think this is anything outside the norm.’”

Another video from a recent CVUSD board meeting features a two-minute statement by concerned uncle Mario Presents, who, while wearing a T-shirt that read “GROOM DOGS NOT KIDS,” blasted the CVUSD board and McLaughlin for sexualizing young children with wayward policies.

“If I were to teach your child about my sexuality without your consent or involvement, I’d be arrested,” Presents told the board at the meeting. “But when the school district does, it’s education. Districts are teaching transgenderism when they should be teaching science, math and language. Instead, teachers are hiding student pronouns from their parents under the guise of gender affirmation.”

“The gross indoctrination we’re seeing is creating a lifetime of medication and hormones because you can’t simply pause puberty. Men cannot become women, and sex chromosomes are encoded into the fabric of our DNA,” Presents went on. “Simply affirming a teenager’s gender is akin to affirming anorexia. Both are body dysmorphic disorders, yet we don’t teach the starving teenagers how to binge and purge or affirm that they are indeed overweight. However, school districts, including yours, seem to have no issue secretly teaching girls that they can be boys because they feel uncomfortable in their bodies.”

Presents later appeared on Jesse Watters’ program on Fox News, plus other national news shows to discuss CVUSD’s sexualization agenda.

The high-level attention comes as the radical CVUSD board, elected mostly in the past four years, presses forward with the forced sharing of restrooms and locker rooms among girls and boys, the erasing of gender distinctions among students, the forced use of students’ “preferred pronouns,” and the promotion of genital mutilation (such as breast or penis removal) through “gender transition,” for which the district promises to create “support teams” to encourage students in the direction of radical, life-altering surgeries.

Their agenda, which ignores widespread opposition, apparently includes the normalization of gross, public sexuality among middle-school and grade-school students — exemplified by what happened to CVUSD mom Carrie Burgert’s seventh-grade daughter. She and her classmates allegedly witnessed a boy masturbating while in class in May 2022.

“I only know this because my daughter told me in the car when I picked her up, saying her friends were disturbed, traumatized, and scared,” said Burgert.

According to The Daily Wire, Burgert blamed CVUSD for the boy’s behavior, accusing the district of a lax dress code and exposing junior high students to inappropriate, adult topics like oral and anal sex.

“My daughter and that boy are victims of this board’s approved content and curriculum, and I hold them each personally responsible for the social and emotional damage to these children,” said Burgert.

CVUSD board president Karen Sylvester “appeared to be unaware of the incident,” The Daily Wire reported. “She insinuated that the teacher and board weren’t to blame, saying that it was something that ‘just happened.’ Parents in the audience challenged Sylvester, claiming that she was aware of the incident and questioned why law enforcement weren’t involved.”

As test scores and enrollment continue to plummet in the district — and while superintendent McLaughlin continues to earn more than $300,000 annually — CVUSD is becoming known nationwide as a disastrous experiment in leftist educational policies.
What video will go viral next?


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