55.1 F
Thousand Oaks

Al Adam Misinformed, Supporting Schwartz

Al Adam Misinformed, Supporting Schwartz

As a longtime resident, I’m concerned about Al Adam’s contradictory stance on term limits. During a recent candidate forum at CLU, Adam stated that “term limits do not kick in until 2026.” However, I was shocked to learn that Adam had made a very different claim about term limits twelve years ago.

In an October 18, 2012 article in the Thousand Oaks Acorn, Adam misrepresented what year his term limits initiative would take effect. He stated, “If [my term limits initiative] passes, it won’t take effect for 12 years.” Simple math shows that 12 years from 2012 is 2024, meaning Adam effectively indicated that term limits would begin in 2024. This contradicts his current claims. Whether Adam made an honest mistake back then or intentionally misled voters, the fact remains that in the 2012 article, he either confused or misinformed the public about when his initiative would take effect.

It was irresponsible for Adam to mislead voters in 2012. Rather than deflecting blame onto his opponent, Jeff Schwartz, for raising valid concerns, Adam should take responsibility for the inconsistency. It’s hypocritical for Adam to have led a push for term limits in 2012, only to now ignore the same principles by running for re-election after 12 consecutive years in office. I fully agree with Jeff Schwartz — Adam should lead by example and step down from this year’s race. This would show respect for the term limits that Adam once championed, and accountability for the misinformation he spread in 2012.

“Are Term Limits Coming for T.O.?” by Anna Bitong, Thousand Oaks Acorn, October 18, 2012

Are term limits coming for T.O.?

John S.


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