53 F
Thousand Oaks

Parents Argue for Choice, Not Mandates to Vaccinate Children

Bright handheld signs bearing phras­es like “Parent Choice” and “By Consent” lined Janss Road Friday morning, October 15. More than fifty parents and children stood in front of the CVUSD (Conejo Val­ley Unified School District) Educational Center protesting Governor Newsom’s latest jab at individual liberty: the attempt to require COVID-19 “vaccines” for all school-aged children, a step which has out­raged Californians up and down the state.

Locally, parents are pushing back against this unprecedented medical over­reach and are calling on the school board to do the same. Amid the enthusiastic honks from passing cars, several parents told the Guardian what this demonstration meant to them.

“We do not believe [this shot] is the ab­solute best for our children, and we should be able to make that choice, not the state,” said one CVUSD mom. “We live in a coun­try of freedom of choice — we pay for that, we have that right, and we should absolute­ly exercise it. If we don’t speak for our chil­dren, no one else will.”

Steffany, another CVUSD parent, ex­plained that “there’s no urgent reason to rush and get our kids vaccinated. And I think we are just asking for more time. We have the data on children; they are not greatly impacted by this [virus] … There’s a reason that 49 other states aren’t doing this [mandate].”

As the school board now faces a deci­sion regarding Newsom’s announcement, parents are urging them to protect parent choice and medical freedom.

“This board has no right to make this decision,” said Steffany. “They are not doc­tors. They are not scientists.”



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